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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New Blog!

I'm honored to introduce a new blog by Sabrina and her friends Adrianne and Raegan.  They each share incredible stories about daily missionary life in South America: Uruguay, Ecuador, and Peru.  But they have also invited other young women to blog about their experiences in other parts of the world, including the United States. 

In their own words: Adrianne, Raegan, and Sabrina created this blog to connect teen girls living for Jesus around the world. Whether those girls are in their home country or in a foreign one, they are all shining His light. Girls Gone Global is a place for them to share encouragement, thoughts, and experiences.

Girls Gone Global

Intense, Intentional Evangelism

I remember well the feelings that stirred within me before I left the familiarity of the Chapel to venture out onto the boards and approach strangers with the question, "We're from the Boardwalk Chapel, and we'd like to talk to you about Jesus.  May we sit here?" 

My devotion to Jesus motivated me, my love for those without hope inspired me, and my cowardice lifted my eyes heavenward to check for rainclouds.

I've felt that way many times since then as God has led me to speak boldly of my faith to people I've never met before.

Street evangelism is hard work, maybe the hardest there is.  Usually, the only time we approach strangers is when we're in need, or when a common need or tragedy unifies us.  Our common need is hope, hope for more than this material world offers.

And out of love for the children in Bella Vista, we approached them with an invitation to a week of VBS.  Mark and I, Julia and Joshua, Mauricio and Sandra, and a team from Brazil walked the hot streets of both sides of town on two different days of the week.

One of the young men from Brazil was dressed as a clown and offered balloons and candy to accompany the paper invitations. Two of the young guys enjoyed kicking a ball around and chatting futbol with each group of young boys we encountered.  It's summer time and the boys are just hanging around outside looking for something to do.

Evangelism is exhausting work
The work resulted in a bountiful harvest.  The VBS was well attended with more than 20 children from the community.  It grew each day as word spread.  I praised God to see the young boys who shyly sat and mouthed the words on the first day, singing with enthusiastic smiles on the last day.

The "cama elastica" or "trampoline" was the major attraction this week.  After energetic singing, a Bible story and craft, they lined up for a turn.  One girl was hesitant, so I offered to go with her.  I held her hands as we jumped.  Afterwards, she told me breathlessly, "We were flying!" 

She lives in a shelter constructed with wooden pallets and has a hard life, so I am filled with joy each time I see her smile in the safe haven of Iglesia Presbyteriana.  Even more, I desire to know that she and others in her barrio understand the gospel and are hidden in their Father's hands where no one can ever snatch them away.

Finding the Greatest Treasure
Sabrina and I were given the task of creating the backdrop

Sabrina picked out the chords to a VBS song
we sang in Hughson several years ago and translated it into Spanish. 
It became the theme song!

Mark manages the line for the trampoline

Carolina teaches a Bible lesson

The Power of Man's Red Flower

Food and Flames.  I have only good memories of campfires at French Creek Bible Conference: flames, sparks, singing, marshmallows and hotdogs on sticks over burning coals.  I wondered why this kind of excitement couldn't be part of daily life in Wildwood, New Jersey.  My family never owned a grill and didn't go camping, so I had to be content with a once a year campfire.

I never imagined that one day my pyro dreams would come true.  The way we BBQ in Uruguay is glorified primitive cooking. It's not considered "extra work" or "extra time" to start with seasoned firewood instead of charcoal.  That's just the way it's done.  They patiently wait until there are coals, scrape them under the grill work, and then start cooking the juicy chunks of meat. 

The meat is tender and flavorful, and they don't want to ruin it.  Instead of lighter fluid, vegetable oil and a fan kick up the flames sufficiently.

Many houses and apartments include a parillero, or elevated brick fireplace, located outside or on the roof.  One of the tiny little apartments we looked at included the prized parillero in an outdoor patio of 50 square feet while the washing machine was squeezed into the bathroom shower.

The combination of fire and meat should never be complicated.  I used to cringe when Mark asked if we could have friends over for a BBQ.  I was scared to turn on the grill and blow up the back yard.  In time, I started to prefer the grill and grew accostomed to turning it on whenever I wanted to cook up chicken or burgers. 

In Uruguay the cooking process is intentionally simplified.  I tried to explain to a Uruguayan friend how I would use a gas grill at my house in the United States, and she looked at me with a question in her eyes, "Why did you put your stove outside?" 

Construction workers throw a metal grate, a slab of beef, and their mate in the back of the truck and they're off to work.  A couple hours before their lunch break, they scrounge up some firewood or buy some from a fruit market, stack it on the side of the street, light it up, and throw their meat on the grate.  I'm sure it's much tastier than a cold sandwich.  Truthfully, I'm not sure how common this is, but I've seen it (and smelled it)!

For the record, I witnessed a woman handle a parillero quite efficiently.  I thought someone's house was on fire when the smoke drifted past our window, so I went up to our roof and looked down into a neighbor's yard.  A woman was starting a blazing fire to generate some coals.

On New Year's Eve we hosted our first asado.  Since we wanted to eat the meat on the same day it was cooked, we asked Pastor Mauricio to sweat it out in front of the fire all night.  He lit the fire around 8:30 and the meat was ready at 11:30, just as the fireworks started.

The parillero at the church

ready to grill

asado at our house New Year's Eve

Hanging out near the parillero
Parillero: the elevated fire place
parrilla: the grate
parrillada: restaurant with grilled meat
Asado - the meat (beef, chicken or sausage) cooked over the fire OR the social event
Azotea - the rooftop where some parilleros are located
Chorizo - pork sausage

If you want to see how a parillero is made:
How to make a Uruguayan parillero