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Friday, September 28, 2012

Climate Change

Montevideo Airport: 4 kids, and 25 pieces of
luggage all accounted for.
photo by Jana Crum
We left warm and sunny California and landed in cold and stormy Uruguay.  The biting cold rain hit our faces and soaked the back of our legs as we walked back to the church with bags of groceries our first day in Montevideo.  Sometimes the wind was so fierce we had to lean forward and push against it.  Without a TV, we didn't realize that residents had been encouraged to stay at home because of the high winds.  When Jana tried to return to her place that night, the bus system shut down because a tree had fallen on one of the busses.  She had to borrow a cell phone and get a taxi.  Our lawyer had to cancel her appointment with us because a tree fell on her car while she was driving.

Photo of storm damage from El Observador. 
Huge trees were down everywhere we looked.

exploring the coast

It was a rough start.  Freezing, dark, and very wet.  The house shook that night with 70 mph wind as power went out throughout the city. 

Thousands lost their electricity and over 100 trees went down.  Finally, the storm passed and the sun peeked out. 

We explored the battered coast, discovering animal casualties: a large rat, baby penguin, and four seals.  Isaiah accidentally stepped on a dead fish, too!

standing room only on the bus today

Looking back on our first week, I am thankful that God has enabled us to work together and accomplish many small but significant start up tasks.  Steve Larson and the Rolim family had the church apartment well stocked and set up for us.  So, after a little more grocery shopping, we had everything we needed. 

We met with a lawyer to get our visas started, exchanged money, bought track phones, took busses to center city, the coast, and Prado with the Rolims, ordered more propane for the stove, toured two schools, met with a realtor, and walked two neighborhoods looking for rentals. As a mom, my life is a little more complicated with different outlets and voltage, and without a car, central heat, a dishwasher, and a dryer, but we're all working together to get household tasks accomplished.

Mark and Pastor Mauricio Rolim discuss church planting in Montevideo


Julia, Isaiah, and Joshua waiting for Sabrina to unlock the church doors

The main street near the church

Prado Park

Iglesia Presbyteriana del Uruguay

We enjoyed our first worship service at the Iglesia Presbyteriana del Uruguay, ,listening to Pastor Rolim's sermon on the significance of our justification in Christ. 

Later in the week, Mark met with Steve Larson and Mauricio Rolim to discuss church matters, and tonight Mark, Sabrina, and Josh are at a Bible study. 

Tiny and Timber guarding the church grounds
The children seem happy and content, especially enjoying the church's two watchdogs, Tiny and Timber.  They are loyal boxers who can be fierce if a cat or stranger crosses their path.

Julia stands in front of the Montevideo skyline and coast

Clear blue skies swept clean by the storm and sweet fellowship around a picnic lunch of sandwiches and pasta salad


waiting for the bus, sitting on someone's front stairway


  1. Thanks for posting your experiences and especially for the photos!!! I'll be sharing your blog update with the family tomorrow. Much love and prayers!
    Tera for the Wolf Pack

    1. Hi Tera, Thanks for being part of this. It's too hard to do alone! We love you & the family.

  2. I love to see the photos of everything! I look at the map and the satellite images of the area and now I can visualize where you are!! So happy to see you got there safely, and are digging right in! It must be very exciting to get started!!

    1. Sometimes I have to look at the satellite to visualize where I am! It's good to finally be here after a long journey. Four years ago we said "yes" to the call to Uruguay. And now we're here. There's still so much work to be done. We love you! Thanks for coming behind us.

  3. Sweet! So glad you made it. Thanks for the great update and pictures. May our Lord Jesus bless you as you settle. Miss you guys.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I never thought I'd be a city mouse, but I'm getting more and more familiar with the flow of life here.
