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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Too Many Piles of Stuff

I've moved before.  I'm familiar with sorting through belongings and packing boxes.  But, this time around, my lists are longer and require a spreadsheet.  And my piles look like mountains. 

I have several bags of clothes to give away.  I have another neat stack of designated items for people.  And then there are huge mounds of yard sale items in the garage.  An entire room in the house is full of my charter school materials set up like a store so other families can check out supplies. 

There are lots of misc. piles like VBS supplies, Sunday School materials, clean clothes to be folded, and stuff from cleaning out the back of the SUV.  The "don't you dare throw it out" boxes will most likely get stacked neatly in a corner of the attic.  The most ominous looking pile consists of some mostly empty boxes and black shipping crates (Mark said they look like coffins) for our drive to Colorado, our flight to Costa Rica, and our eventual move to Uruguay.  I know what I want to chuck or store, but I don't know what we need to bring with us. 

The piles of hundreds of books are especially daunting.  I'm sure we have over a thousand books in our house right now.  It's what happens when a pastor marries an English teacher.  I asked a local librarian if I could donate several hundred books instead of paying the steep fine I just incurred, but no go.  They want the cold, hard cash.  I'll donate the books anyways. ~Jeni

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